Animal Feed Wheat
Animal Feed Wheat
Feed Wheat is higher in protein than other common feed grains such as corn, barley or oats.
Feed Wheat is often surplus to human requirements or low-quality wheat unsuitable for human consumption (low test weight or damaged wheat), but wheat is also grown specifically for feed purposes.
The inclusion of wheat grain in feeds depends on the relative market prices of the major feed grains. When corn, barley and sorghum are expensive, or when wheat prices are depressed, wheat becomes a valuable option.
Animal feed wheat can be fed whole or processed in many different ways. It can be fed in association with other ingredients, or mixed and processed into pellets in concentrate feeds.
Because of its feeding characteristics, levels of wheat in the ration should be limited. In moderate to high-grain rations (50 percent or more concentrate), wheat should be fed in combination with more slowly fermented feed grains and limited to 40 percent of the total diet to prevent or reduce the risk of digestive upsets.